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Hi, I’m Dave Knight

Sales is not what most people think it is.

It is not ‘closing the deal’, ‘getting the order’, or ‘persuading the customer to buy something’.  Sales is about helping people and businesses to achieve their objectives.  It is an act of service that gives customers so much value that they are happy to pay for the value received.

Welcome to Hear Say Do.  I founded this sales coaching business to help salespeople become more effective.

As a Gen X'er I was lucky to be in the last cohort of salespeople to be trained in some of the best sales processes available. Whether it was my time with Compaq (now HP) or at Gartner, or working for partners of Oracle, IBM, Microsoft and a number of other tech giants, it was their investment in my sales ability that shaped my success.

I have taken the things I have learned through attending training courses, conferences and workshops, coupled them with my own experience as a salesperson, sales director and business owner, and created models to help anyone improve their sales effectiveness.

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